Commercial HVAC Maintenance

Welcome to AC's Heating & Air LLC! Your Trusted Provider of Commercial HVAC Maintenance Services

At AC's Heating & Air LLC, we understand the importance of regular maintenance for commercial HVAC systems to ensure optimal performance, energy efficiency, and reliability. With our comprehensive commercial HVAC maintenance services, we're here to help businesses in Apopka, FL, and surrounding areas keep their heating and cooling systems running smoothly year-round. 

Our team of experienced technicians is committed to delivering superior maintenance solutions tailored to your specific needs and requirements, helping you avoid costly repairs, downtime, and unnecessary energy expenses.

commercial HVAC systems

What Maintenance Is Required on a Commercial HVAC System?

Commercial HVAC systems require regular maintenance to keep them operating at peak performance and efficiency. Maintenance tasks may include:

Air Filter Replacement: Regularly replacing air filters is essential for maintaining indoor air quality and preventing dust, dirt, and debris from accumulating in the system and reducing efficiency.

Coil Cleaning: Cleaning evaporator and condenser coils helps remove built-up dirt and debris, improving heat transfer efficiency and reducing energy consumption.

Belt Inspection and Replacement: Inspecting and replacing worn or damaged belts ensures proper operation of the blower motors and reduces the risk of system breakdowns.

Refrigerant Level Check: Checking refrigerant levels and topping off or recharging refrigerant as needed helps maintain optimal cooling capacity and efficiency.

Electrical Component Inspection: Inspecting electrical components such as wiring, contacts, and capacitors helps identify potential issues and prevent electrical failures.

Thermostat Calibration: Calibrating thermostats ensures accurate temperature control and prevents overcooling or overheating, reducing energy waste.

Ductwork Inspection: Inspecting ductwork for leaks, gaps, or damage helps maintain proper airflow and prevents energy losses.

technician performing a commercial HVAC maintenance on a system

What Parts of a Commercial HVAC System Need to Be Maintained and Regularly Serviced?

Several key components of a commercial HVAC system require regular maintenance and servicing, including:

Air Filters: Regularly replacing air filters helps maintain indoor air quality and prevents airflow restrictions.

Coils: Cleaning evaporator and condenser coils removes dirt and debris, ensuring efficient heat transfer and system performance.

Belts and Pulleys: Inspecting and replacing worn or damaged belts and pulleys ensures proper operation of blower motors and reduces the risk of system failure.

Refrigerant Levels: Checking and adjusting refrigerant levels as needed helps maintain optimal cooling capacity and efficiency.

Electrical Components: Inspecting electrical wiring, connections, and components helps identify and address potential issues before they lead to system failures.

Thermostats: Calibrating thermostats ensures accurate temperature control and prevents energy waste.

Ductwork: Inspecting ductwork for leaks, gaps, or damage helps maintain proper airflow and energy efficiency.

How Often Should Commercial Air Conditioning Units Be Serviced?

Commercial air conditioning units should be serviced at least twice a year, ideally before the start of the cooling season in spring and the heating season in fall. Regular maintenance helps ensure optimal performance, efficiency, and reliability, reducing the risk of breakdowns and extending the lifespan of the equipment.

Common FAQs About Commercial HVAC Maintenance Services

Here are answers to some common questions about commercial HVAC maintenance services:

How often should I replace air filters in my commercial HVAC system?

Air filters should be replaced every 1-3 months, depending on factors such as indoor air quality, occupancy, and system usage. Our technicians can recommend the appropriate filter replacement schedule for your specific needs.

What are the benefits of regular maintenance for commercial HVAC systems?

Regular maintenance for commercial HVAC systems offers numerous benefits, including improved performance, energy efficiency, indoor air quality, equipment lifespan, and reduced operating costs. It helps identify and address potential issues before they lead to costly repairs or system failures.

Can I perform maintenance tasks on my commercial HVAC system myself?

While some maintenance tasks such as changing air filters or cleaning coils can be performed by building occupants or maintenance staff, it's essential to have a professional technician perform comprehensive maintenance and servicing to ensure proper operation and warranty compliance.

Do you offer maintenance agreements for commercial HVAC systems?

Yes, we offer comprehensive maintenance agreements for commercial HVAC systems to provide regular servicing, priority scheduling, discounted rates, and peace of mind. Our maintenance agreements are tailored to your specific needs and budget, helping you protect your investment and avoid unexpected breakdowns or repairs.

What is included in your commercial HVAC maintenance services?

Our commercial HVAC maintenance services typically include air filter replacement, coil cleaning, belt inspection and replacement, refrigerant level check, electrical component inspection, thermostat calibration, ductwork inspection, and overall system performance evaluation. We customize our maintenance services to meet your specific requirements and ensure optimal performance and reliability of your HVAC system.

Ready to schedule commercial HVAC maintenance services for your business? Contact AC's Heating & Air LLC today for expert assistance in Apopka, FL, and surrounding areas. We're here to help you maintain comfort, efficiency, and productivity in your commercial space with our reliable and professional maintenance solutions.

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